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Data from a public university in Islamabad has been leaked by the hacking group, Medusa.

Hackers that attacked the Institute of Space Technology and demanded a $500,000 ransom earlier this month have now leaked the public university’s data

Located in Islamabad, the Institute of Space Technology was a recent target for hacking group Medusa, who got hold of the university’s data and demanded a $500,000 ransom in exchange for the data which included passports, pay slips, analysis details, and other sensitive information about the university.

It’s being reported that Medusa has now leaked all of the university data on a public telegram channel, after several days of demanding the university to pay up the ransom.

The Institute of Space Technology has been silent about the whole matter and has not given any public statements about the hacking and data ransoms. The university’s website is also currently facing issues.

Soon after leaking the data on a telegram channel, Medusa updated their blog and notified that it has now leaked the data that it stole from the Institute of Space Technology. According to different sources, the stolen data has been uploaded in small downloadable files, each one being sized around 3.89 GB.

It’s still unclear if Medusa has released all information it stole from the university or if it’s still holding small amounts of data, in hopes of getting a ransom.

IST’s is yet to respond to give out a statement or respond to any questions about the hacking, the university has remained silent to both Medusa and the media.