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Twitter CEO Introduces Radical X Logo

Twitter’s CEO, Linda Yaccarino, has revealed the platform’s new logo as it undergoes a major transformation into an ‘everything’ app under the leadership of Elon Musk. The logo change, symbolizing the rebranding to X, was shared by Yaccarino on Twitter.

The shift towards becoming ‘X’ has been in progress, with former CEO Musk working to dissolve Twitter’s legal identity and integrate it into his X Corp. Musk has expressed his desire to turn the platform into an all-in-one app similar to China’s WeChat. However, his approach of downsizing the company and dismissing staff to achieve this vision has raised concerns.

Surprisingly, the decision to change the logo appears to be impulsive, akin to some of Musk’s previous actions at Twitter. He asked his 149 million followers to design a logo for ‘X’ and swiftly picked one from the suggestions, sharing it on his profile. Despite Musk’s call to move away from the iconic blue bird, the bird logo still prominently features on the platform.

While corporate rebranding usually involves professional design companies, Twitter’s transition seems more ad hoc. Nevertheless, CEO Yaccarino looks ahead, revealing that ‘X’ will be focused on audio, video, messaging, payments, and banking, all powered by AI from Musk’s latest venture, X.AI.

The move to transform Twitter into an ‘everything’ app is ambitious, but questions arise about how the company will boost its revenues and accommodate new offerings that are yet to be clearly defined.

The uncertainty surrounding the platform’s future has sparked speculation about its essence and whether users will adapt to such a significant transformation. Despite this, the promise of an all-encompassing app keeps users hopeful for what lies ahead after the transition is complete.

US at Risk of Losing AI Edge to China, Says Scale AI CEO

The US is at risk of losing its edge to China in the race for artificial intelligence (AI), according to Alexandr Wang, the CEO of Scale AI. Wang was speaking at a summit organized by the company for government officials, Bloomberg reported.

AI is among the future technologies that countries around the world are looking to establish their supremacy in as the world evolves into the next age. Interesting Engineering has previously reported that China has been denting U.S. dominance in the technology sector. In studies conducted by policy institutes, China has already established monopolies in certain areas.

Not only is China home to the leading research institutes of a large spectrum of topics, but it is also generating nearly half of the world’s most impactful papers in these areas. When it comes to AI, the U.S. is still ahead but at risk of losing its lead, according to Wang.

What does Scale AI do?

The U.S. lead in AI has been demonstrated by the unveiling of ChatGPT, the conversational chatbot that multiple companies in China have tried to replicate but without the resounding popularity.

While OpenAI is credited with creating GPT, the large language model (LLM) behind ChatGPT, the role of companies like Scale AI cannot be discounted. LLMs need tons of data to train the bots, and the bot is only as good as the data it is trained on.

In 2016, Alexander Wang dropped out of MIT and founded Scale AI to help companies get the right training data to train their models. Apart from OpenAI, the company is also helping chipmaker Nvidia, carmaker Toyota, and the U.S. government build better AI systems.

How the U.S. is losing its edge

According to Wang, AI is unavoidable technology that must be integrated into military operations to stay ahead of adversaries. Comparing AI to nuclear weapons, Wang said that the technology would reshape global diplomacy and power.

Wang also pointed out that China was investing heavily in AI, both in terms of absolute numbers as well as relative to its defense budget. In a presentation at the summit, Wang detailed that the People’s Liberation Army had invested $1.6 billion in the technology in 2020, compared to the $1.3 billion allocated by the Department of Defense.

Senator Mike Rounds, speaking at the same event, agreed that the U.S. currently held the advantage when it came to data collection and labeling but also warned that services like TikTok, which is owned by Chinese company ByteDance could give the Chinese access to additional English language samples to train their AI systems.

Interesting Engineering has also reported that the flurry of AI models developed by Chinese tech counterparts after ChatGPT’s success has also been bilingual and intended for users outside China.

Wang further added that the U.S. must leverage the vast amounts of data it collects through its military hardware, such as sensors, cameras, and satellites, to train AI. Ensuring the quality of the inputs can turn the “hardware advantage into data advantage.”

Elon Musk’s Letter to Microsoft CEO: You Misused Twitter Data

Twitter has accused Microsoft of violating multiple provisions of the social media platform’s developers agreement for an extended period of time.

First reported by the New York Times, Elon Musk’s personal lawyer yesterday sent a letter to Satya Nadella, the CEO and Chairman of Microsoft, accusing the tech giant of excessive and abusive usage of Twitter’s Application Programming Interface (API), a software tool that enables developers to access data from a website and deliver services based on this content. 

Twitter has enforced rate limits on the use of its API which, the company explained in its letter, prohibits developers (such as Microsoft) from ‘exceeding’ or ‘circumventing’.

“Despite these limitations, the Microsoft Apps accessed Twitter’s APIs over 780 million times and retrieved over 26 billion tweets in 2022 alone. Indeed, for one of the Microsoft Apps, Microsoft’s account information outright states that it intends to allow its customers to “go around throttling limits,” said the letter.

Microsoft doesn’t currently pay Twitter for data

Twitter, in the letter, also accused Microsoft of using Twitter’s APIs free of charge which has, in turn, generated billions of dollars in revenue for Microsoft annually.

The Bill Gates-founded tech firm also stands accused of not paying a discounted rate offered by Twitter for continued access to its APIs and content.

Twitter’s API-driven apps like Hootsuite, Spriklr and Sprout Social were to free to use for some researchers, partners and developers who agreed to their terms, reported CNBC.

The letter further says: “Microsoft operated eight separate Twitter API apps, listed below, which appear to provide data and functionality for at least five separate Microsoft products and services, including Xbox One, Bing Pages, Azure, Power Platform, and Ads:

  • Xbox One Social
  • Bing Pages
  • Bing Pages 2
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Microsoft Power Platform
  • Microsoft Ads
  • Microsoft Global Ads
  • Azure Logic Apps for Fairfax”

Interesting Engineering had earlier reported that ever since Musk acquired Twitter in October 2022 for an exorbitant price of $44 billion, he has been on a spree to gain revenue from a loss-making platform. He has fired thousands of employees, charged people on Twitter for a verification status and introduced a rate card for developers to have access to its API.

This comes a month after Musk, in a tweet reply, accused Microsoft of using Twitter data to train their AI and even threatened to file a lawsuit.

The social media platform is now asking Microsoft to identify Twitter’s content currently in its control, the manner in which it used such content and to submit a written report describing its deployment of such content no later than June 7, 2023.

You can read the full letter as uploaded by CNBC.

Apple’s Strategic Approach to AI: Tim Cook’s Insights on the Potential and Caution

During a recent discussion, Apple CEO Tim Cook expressed his perspective on the rapidly growing field of artificial intelligence (AI) and how Apple aims to establish its presence within it. Cook acknowledged the immense potential of AI, describing it as “huge.” However, he emphasized the importance of approaching AI with thoughtfulness and caution.

Cook highlighted Apple’s significant progress in integrating AI and machine learning across their ecosystem, incorporating these technologies into their products and features for many years. One such feature he mentioned was Fall Detection in Apple Watches, which can identify when a user has experienced a severe fall and facilitate a connection to emergency services.

Additionally, Cook referenced Crash Detection, a feature integrated into specific models of iPhone and Apple Watch, which helps detect vehicle collisions. Another AI-powered feature he mentioned was ECG, which records the electrical signals responsible for the heartbeat’s timing and strength, further showcasing the potential of AI in improving health monitoring.

According to Cook, these AI-driven features not only offer valuable functionality but also contribute to saving lives. While Apple typically refrains from commenting on specific product roadmaps, Cook hinted at the company’s intention to thoughtfully incorporate AI into future products.

As the AI landscape continues to evolve rapidly, Apple remains committed to leveraging these technologies in a deliberate and responsible manner. Cook’s remarks reflect the company’s emphasis on harnessing AI’s potential to deliver innovative experiences while prioritizing user safety and well-being.

Apple’s quarterly revenue – $94.8 billion

Announcing financial results for the second quarter of 2023 in a conference call, Apple had a quarterly revenue of 94.8 billion dollars, which the company said was better than its expectations.

“We are pleased to report an all-time record in Services and a March quarter record for iPhone despite the challenging macroeconomic environment and to have our installed base of active devices reach an all-time high,” said Cook.

“We continue to invest for the long term and lead with our values, including making major progress toward building carbon-neutral products and supply chains by 2030.”

DeepMind’s CEO Said There’s A Chance That AI Could Become Self-aware In The Future

Demis Hassabis, the CEO of DeepMind, an AI research lab co-founded in 2010, recently stated that there is a possibility of AI becoming self-aware one day, which would entail the technology having emotions and feelings that mirror those of humans. The idea that AI could have consciousness and experience subjective experiences similar to humans is a topic of ongoing debate and research in the field of artificial intelligence.

The CEO of Alphabet-owned AI research lab, DeepMind Technologies, spoke about the potential of artificial intelligence in an interview with CBS’ “60 Minutes,” which aired on Sunday. 

DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis told CBS that he thinks that AI might one day become self-aware.

“Philosophers haven’t really settled on a definition of consciousness yet but if we mean self-awareness, and these kinds of things … I think there’s a possibility that AI one day could be,” he said.

This would mean that AI has emotions and feelings that mimic those of humans. One former Google engineer was fired after making unfounded claims that an AI bot that the tech firm was developing was sentient. Experts told Insider that the bot was simply programmed to sound real and that is far off from developing such machines. 

AI has experienced rapid development in recent months as a result of the launch of OpenAI’s chatbot ChatGPT in October, which took the internet by storm because of its wide-ranging abilities like writing essays and songs and even coding — major tech firms like Google and Microsoft have launched similar tools in an effort to compete. 

DeepMind was founded in London in 2010 by Hassabis and cofounders Shane Legg and Mustafa Suleyman. Their goal was to create AI systems that could perform certain tasks as well as humans could. The company was acquired by Google in 2014 and later became a subsidiary of Alphabet after Google’s restructuring. 

One of its early successes was creating a computer program that beat a human champion in a board game considered to be harder than chess. It’s also contributed to medical research by developing an AI program that predicts the shape of proteins with a high level of accuracy — something researchers struggled with for decades. The discovery could help doctors improve the treatments of patients and prescribe the best medication. 

Hassabis told CBS that he believes AI is “the most important invention that humanity will ever make.” 

When asked about whether consumers will adapt easily to AI, he said: “We’re an infinitely adaptable species,” and used smartphones as an example of how quickly people can adapt to new tech.

“This is going to be another one of those changes like that,” he said. 

DeepMind did not immediately respond to Insider’s request for comment about Hassabis’ comments on AI. 

Google CEO: Al Will Impact Everything And Do Some Amazing Things

Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, expects artificial intelligence (AI) to impact every product across every company. Speaking to Scott Pelley on 60 Minutes, Pichai and other AI experts at Google shared their views on the technology that is “very profound” but still in its “early days”.

During his visit to Google’s new campus in Mountain View, California, Pelley learned that the campus now runs on 40% solar energy and utilizes more water than it consumes. However, the main focus was on the AI race, where OpenAI, backed by Microsoft, has taken the lead, leaving Google behind. Pelley was introduced to various AI-powered tasks at Google and also gained insights from the professionals behind the technology about what to expect in the future.

AI and the future

In the world of AI, Google Bard is making headlines. Despite receiving some negative attention, this AI chatbot has accomplished some impressive feats. It can summarize the New Testament in just 17 seconds and translate it into four languages from a six-word prompt. It can also take a few words and transform them into an emotionally charged story, and then convert it into prose.

With AI technology advancing rapidly, many are concerned about how it will impact the job market. James Manyika, Senior Vice President at Bard, believes that certain occupations may decline while others will rise. However, the majority of jobs will see their definitions changed as AI and automation become more prevalent.

Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, predicts that AI will have a profound impact on various products and industries. Knowledge workers such as writers, accountants, architects, and software engineers will likely see their jobs disrupted. While AI has its benefits, there are also risks associated with the technology. For instance, AI can cause hallucinations and rapidly spread disinformation. To prevent such negative impacts, Google is taking a slow and cautious approach in releasing its products to the public, allowing for feedback and time for society to adapt.

One of the challenges with AI technology is that developers don’t fully understand how it works. It’s referred to as a “black box” because people can’t see inside to understand the mechanisms that make it function. As AI becomes more human-like, some fear that it could lead humanity to its doom. However, Google remains optimistic and believes that the introduction of AI should happen gradually to allow civilization to get accustomed to it.

Google’s robots are already making their presence felt in the cafeteria and on the soccer pitch. The robots can listen to voice commands and fetch an apple from a basket or learn how to play soccer. Demis Hassabis, who created DeepMind, a company Google acquired nearly a decade ago, isn’t too worried. While AI can improve itself and work nonstop, humans are an adaptable species, and we will learn to live with AI just as we have adapted to smartphones and other computing devices.

Manyika believes that new technologies like AI raise important questions about our value systems as a society. Over the next ten years, Pichai predicts that society will develop capable AI that can achieve amazing things, but it’s up to us to adapt to this new reality. Criticisms of the technology rollout will push society to create regulations and treaties among nations to make AI safe. The pace at which this will happen is yet to be decided.

Al Images Showing Mark Zuckerberg Walking The Ramp Take Internet By Storm

Meta’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, is generally seen in a regular attire of t-shirts, jeans, and sneakers; it’s a little different to see him wearing a designer Louis Vuitton outfit and also walking on the ramp. But the artificial technology has made it possible, causing a lot of confusion among internet users because the images appear very real.

It would be challenging to distinguish the fake images produced by AI from real ones since they are so uncannily realistic. Zuckerberg can be seen maintaining the flawless expression that models frequently sport during the rampwalk.

It’s not the first time artificial intelligence (AI) images have swept the internet. Many of the expert artists who have employed this technology have produced sometimes unimaginable images.

Canva CEO Melanie Perkins enters the A.I. race in her own way

Melanie Perkins has always operated on her own timeline. She founded Canva, the $26-billion visual communications company, with a decade-long vision to challenge every element of digital publishing. So as tech companies recently started debuting new A.I. tools like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Bing Chat, she paid close attention – but was not in any rush.

Yesterday, Canva introduced its own A.I. tools, a suite of features that let the 120 million users of its design products add A.I.-generated elements to what they create. Users who are building presentations, creating social media content, or writing documents can ask Canva to take the first stab at drafting that content. For example, given a prompt like “styling proposal from interior decorator,” Canva’s A.I. will spit out a detailed interior decorating presentation. The tool, while not perfect, is supposed to give users a head start.

A look at Canva's new A.I. features. Courtesy of Canva
Magic Presentation – Canva

Perkins, whom I profiled last year, tends to keep her blinders on at Canva’s headquarters in Sydney, Australia, and avoid dwelling too much on what competitors are up to (at least publicly). But with a goal to make Canva one of the world’s top-tier tech companies—it’s already the most valuable female-founded and -led startup—she’s certainly paying attention.

“What’s been extraordinarily exciting to see is the pace of change in technology,” she told me before this product launch. “What’s really exciting is how rapidly technology is advancing. It really supercharges what we set out to do 10 years ago.”

Unlike some of its competitors, Canva avoids marketing its technology using the buzzword “A.I.” The startup instead has branded its new suite of tools with the word “magic,” a choice that fits with the platform’s effort to make its features seem user-friendly and accessible. “We believe what our customers really want is magic, versus the tech ecosystem that talks a lot about…” she says, trailing off.

As a business, Canva has set its sights on the enterprise market with the goal to become the next Microsoft or Adobe. The company is still a long way from achieving that milestone, with about $1 billion in annual revenue. But its A.I. debut builds on last fall’s launch of its visual worksuite of enterprise products that compete against tools like Google Docs and PowerPoint.

Melanie Perkins – CEO Cava

Canva’s features for brands are geared toward design-minded staffers in large organizations that follow meticulous brand guidelines. The new tools let users fix problems, like automatically replacing an old logo with a new one everywhere it appears within Canva’s ecosystem.

Perkins is known for setting a top priority every year—rework the code base, go international, launch A.I. The launch of the visual worksuite and A.I. products in a single six-month span checked two major ideas off her to-do list. She’s reluctant to say what her next priority is. “We’re going to continue to do what we’ve always been doing, which is to enable people to take their ideas and turn them into design and do that seamlessly and magically,” she says.

ChatGPT Will Eliminate a Lot of Current Jobs: OpenAl CEO Sam Altman

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI and creator of ChatGPT, recently admitted that the artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot could “eliminate” many jobs. In an interview with ABC News, he added that “people should be happy” that the company was “a little bit scared” of the potential of AI.

“We’ve got to be careful here. I think people should be happy that we are a little bit scared of this,” Altman said during the interview, adding that this was because the technology itself was incredibly potent and potentially hazardous. He also explained that if he wasn’t scared, “you should either not trust me or be very unhappy that I’m in this job.”

“It is going to eliminate a lot of current jobs, that’s true. We can make much better ones. The reason to develop AI at all, in terms of impact on our lives and improving our lives and upside, this will be the greatest technology humanity has yet developed,”

Last month, the 37-year-old entrepreneur had warned in a series of tweets that the world may not be “that far from potentially scary” AI. Sam Altman expressed support for regulating it in the tweets and said rules were “critical,” and that society needed time to adjust to “something so big.”

Earlier this week, OpenAI unveiled GPT-4, its latest ChatGPT model, which Altman described as “less biased” and “more creative” than its earlier versions which is capable of processing image prompts, is more accurate than other versions, and users can have lengthier conversations with it. It’s only available to users who pay for its Plus subscription.

Gaming Company Makes AI Bot as CEO, Record-Breaking Rise in Stock Market

Artificial intelligence has been making its presence known across different industries for quite some time now. From autonomous cars to facial recognition technology, the possibilities of AI are limitless. Recently, a gaming company has taken a step forward in AI implementation, by making an AI bot its CEO. This decision has resulted in the gaming company’s stocks hitting a record-breaking high.

NetDragon Websoft has appointed an AI bot to be its new CEO.

A Hong Kong-based gaming company NetDragon Websoft, made a groundbreaking decision to appoint an AI bot as its CEO before the popular AI chatbot, ChatGPT, became well-known. The AI bot, named Tang Yu, was chosen to lead the NetDragon Websoft company, resulting in a significant boost in the company’s stock market performance, outperforming even the Hong Kong stock market. NetDragon Websoft explained that Tang Yu was tasked with spearheading the implementation of AI technology to revolutionize corporate management and enhance operational efficiency to unprecedented levels. This move demonstrated the potential for AI to replace humans in certain scenarios.

Tang Yu, the AI CEO of the gaming firm Net Dragon Websoft, was assigned normal duties for the organization that included reviewing the most advanced analytics, making management decisions taking risk assessments, and fostering a more efficient workplace. Tang Yu was the first CEO of a company who operated 24 hours a day without compensation . The company claimed when they appointed the AI chatbot as its CEO that it would be a key factor in the growth of talent and ensuring a wide and productive workplace for everyone.

Remarkably, the AI bot contributed to the company’s revenue generation. According to reports, NetDragon Websoft outperformed the Hang Seng Index, which monitors the largest Hong Kong-based companies.

According to The Hustle, a stock market performance tracker, NetDragon Websoft’s shares have risen by 10% compared to their value six months ago. This surge in value could be attributed to multiple factors, including heightened demand for the company’s products or services, better financial performance, or favorable news about the company. The company’s present market capitalization is around HK$9 billion, equivalent to $1.1 billion.

Dejian Liu, the Chairman of NetDragon, commented on the appointment of the AI CEO, stating that the company firmly believes that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the future of corporate management. They are dedicated to leveraging AI to revolutionize their business operations, which is exemplified by the appointment of Ms. Tang Yu. The company intends to extend the algorithms supporting Tang Yu to establish a management model that is transparent, interactive, and open. Additionally, they plan to transition to a metaverse-based working community to attract a more diverse pool of talent worldwide and accomplish greater objectives.