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Netflix May Soon Let You Play TV Games While Using Your Phone as a Controller

As per Bloomberg and Steve Moser, a contributing writer at MacRumors, Netflix would enable users to control games on their TV using their iPhones. This move is in line with Netflix’s recent announcement of making its games “playable on every Netflix device that you have.”

Moser further explained that the iOS app has code indicating that the phone could be utilized as a game controller by prompting a message that says: “A game on your TV needs a controller to play. Do you want to use this phone as a game controller?”

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Take a look at his tweet below.

In late 2021, Netflix launched its mobile games service and has since released 55 games, with an additional 40 slated for release this year. However, these games are exclusively available on iOS and Android devices, and cannot be played on larger screens such as TVs or laptops.

To avoid creating a dedicated game controller as Google did for its now-defunct Stadia service, Netflix is considering using mobile devices as controllers. Furthermore, it recently announced that it is developing a cloud gaming service, which may also utilize mobile devices as controllers.

Back in October last year, Netflix’s VP of games, Mike Verdu stated that the company was seriously exploring cloud gaming features.

We are very early in that side of our journey. We do believe that cloud gaming will enable us to provide that easy access to games on any screen and be frictionless and provide the accessibility into gaming experiences.