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Introducing Ideogram Pro: Empowering Creators with Advanced AI Image Generation

As industry giants like Adobe and Meta continually enhance their AI image generation solutions, smaller startups are also stepping up their game to remain competitive. One such innovative player is Ideogram, a Toronto-based company founded by former Google Brain researchers. Today, Ideogram unveils its latest offering: the Pro subscription tier tailored for its most active and professional creators.

Ideogram’s New Pro Subscription Tier

Priced at $48 per month for annual billing (or $60 for monthly billing), the Pro tier complements Ideogram’s existing Free, Basic ($7 per month annually), and Plus ($16 per month annually) tiers. This addition underscores Ideogram’s commitment to catering to creators of all levels.

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Ideogram Pro

Enhanced Features for Professional Creators

The Pro plan introduces several enhancements over Ideogram’s other paid options. Notably, subscribers gain the ability to submit up to 3,000 text prompts to Ideogram’s AI image generation platform. These prompts are prioritized for rapid image generation, with results delivered in less than 15 seconds. This means Pro subscribers can generate up to 12,000 images per month, providing unparalleled speed and efficiency.

Streamlined Workflow with Bulk Prompt Uploads

Ideogram is also revolutionizing the image generation process by allowing users to upload prompts in bulk via CSV format. This feature eliminates the need for manual input, saving time and streamlining the workflow for Pro subscribers.

Unique Capabilities and Commercial Usage

While Ideogram does not offer indemnification for enterprises like some of its competitors, it does permit commercial usage under its terms of service. Moreover, Ideogram stands out for its ability to generate stylized text and typography within images, making it a valuable tool for various commercial projects.

Join the Ideogram Pro Community Today

Creators eager to harness the power of Ideogram’s advanced AI image generation can sign up for the Pro plan starting today. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your creations with cutting-edge technology.


With Ideogram’s Pro subscription tier, creators gain access to a host of advanced features designed to enhance their image generation experience. From lightning-fast processing to streamlined workflows, Ideogram is empowering creators to unleash their creativity like never before. Join the Pro community today and discover the possibilities of AI-powered imagery.