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The Smallest Computer in the World Fits On a Grain of Rice

Researchers at the University of Michigan just created the world’s smallest computer (again). Their previous micro-computer, the Michigan Micro Mote, measured 2x2x4mm. It was a complete, functioning system powered by solar cell batteries. But in March this year, IBM announced a new, smaller computer, which measured 1×1 mm, and was smaller than a grain of salt. It “raised a few eyebrows at the University of Michigan.”

After all, it’s unclear if the IBM computer even count as an actual microcomputer. The IBM device lost all its programming and data as soon as it turns off, unlike the Michigan Micro Mote, which retained its programming even when it wasn’t externally powered. “It’s more of a matter of opinion whether they have the minimum functionality required,” said David Blaauw, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at University of Michigan who helped develop the University of Michigan’s newest tiny device. If the IBM machine constituted a computer, then University of Michigan would work to gain back their title: their latest microdevice measures 0.3mm per side (1/10th the size of IBM’s computer), and is smaller than a grain of rice.

The device was designed to be a precision temperature sensor that can report temperatures in clusters of cells with an error of about 0.1 degrees Celsius. “When we first made our millimeter system, we actually didn’t know exactly all the things it would be useful for. But once we published it, we started receiving dozens and dozens and dozens of inquiries,” Blaauw said. It could, for instance, measure the temperature of tumors and conduct other cancer studies, monitor oil reservoirs, conduct audio or visual surveillance, or help in “tiny snail studies.”

NUST Researchers Successfully Develop Pakistan’s First 3D Concrete Printer

The development of Pakistan’s first 3D concrete printer by NUST students Raja Dilawar Riaz, Usama Majid, Ammar Ali, and Muhammad Faizan, under the mentorship of their advisor Dr. Muhammad Usman, offers an inevitable solution to this challenge.

The indigenous 3D concrete printer has a frame size of 1.2m x 1.2m x 1m and can print a volume of 1m x 1m x 0.5m utilizing its 3-axis movement controlled by servos and gearboxes, a variety of nozzles (with a max size of 3 inches), continuous intake capacity, screw extrusion, and a digital control system.

Furthermore, the prototype of an inexpensive concrete printer has been developed for large-scale construction applications.

Which is capable of printing various-shaped architectural and structural components

The printer operates by creating a 3D CAD model on computer software and slicing it as per the required specifications.

Moreover, the mach3 controller reads the G-Code file and extrudes the layer of concrete, making the printing process straightforward.

And then, The printer was first showcased under the theme of “Low-Cost Innovative Housing Technology” at the First International Housing & Property Expo 2022, Islamabad, organized by the Federal Ministry of Housing and Works, Government of Pakistan.


  1. Design Flexibility
  2. Topological Optimization
  3. Increased Productivity
  4. Reduced labor effort
  5. Greater research potential
  6. Highly precise deposition
  7. High-end technology-based jobs
  8. Multifunctionality of structural/architectural elements
  9. Cost-effective mass housing solution
  10. Energy efficient
  11. Promising methodology & output
  12. Safer construction work
  13. The balance between beauty, form & function