In an intriguing TedTalk release, a groundbreaking artificial intelligence-powered wearable named Humane has taken center stage. Created by former Apple employees, this cutting-edge technology is generating significant buzz as a potential game-changer that could render smartphones, such as the iPhone, obsolete.
Imran Chaudhri and Bethany Bongiorno, both former Apple employees, embarked on developing Humane with the vision of creating a future that is more intelligent and personal, as stated on the company’s website. Their innovative wearable aims to revolutionize the way we interact with technology by offering an alternative to cell phone screens.
Humane presents a voice-activated assistant that projects various functions, ranging from calls to text messages, onto the user’s hands. By eliminating the need to constantly check cellphones, this ingenious projector addresses multiple pain points associated with modern technology. It promises to overcome the physical limitations of touchscreens and provide enhanced accessibility for users.
The potential impact of Humane is far-reaching. By replacing traditional screens with a user’s hands as the display surface, this wearable has the capacity to reshape the way we consume and engage with information. The voice-activated assistant seamlessly integrates with the user’s daily activities, allowing for a more intuitive and hands-free experience.
With Humane, users can expect a heightened level of convenience and efficiency. The projected interface enables quick access to essential functions, ensuring that users can stay connected and informed without the need for a physical device. The technology paves the way for a more immersive and interactive user experience, transcending the limitations of current smartphone technology.
Furthermore, Humane represents a significant step towards improving accessibility in the digital realm. By removing the dependency on touchscreens, individuals with mobility impairments or limited dexterity can still effortlessly interact with the projected interface, fostering inclusivity and equal access to technology.
As the world eagerly awaits the release of Humane, the potential implications for the smartphone industry are profound. This groundbreaking wearable not only challenges the status quo but also heralds a new era of technology that seamlessly integrates into our lives, offering a more intuitive and personalized experience.
If this sounds intriguing, check out the TedTalk for yourself below:
“What do we do with all these incredible [AI] developments? And how do we harness these [to make our life better genuinely?]” Chaudhri asks at the TedTalk.
“If we get this right, AI will unlock a world of possibility. Today, I want to share what we think is a solution. And it’s the first time we’re doing so openly. It’s a new kind of wearable device and platform that’s built entirely from the ground up for artificial intelligence. And it’s completely standalone. You don’t need a smartphone or any other device to pair with it,” he expands.
With Humane, users can experience a more seamless technology integration into their life by swapping out cell phones with wearable gadgets. This instrument could open up new potential for language translation and individualized help in addition to simplifying communication.
Humane, it appears, is a standalone device, so you wouldn’t need a smartphone or another service to pair with it.
“It interacts with the world the way you interact with the world, hearing what you hear, seeing what you see, while being privacy first, and safe, and completely fading into the background of your life,” Chaudhri explains.
All well and good, but how does it work in real life? “In terms of the call, as soon as [Chaudhri] raised his hand, the device displayed the appropriate incoming call interface, no menu to navigate through,” designer Michael Mofina, told Inverse.
Whatever your views on Humane, this technology can fundamentally alter how we interact with technology if it functions as intended and is as reliable and convenient as smartphones have become today.